6. European Kyokushinkai Karate Summercamp - Germany
IKO Matsushima
6. European Kyokushinkai Karate
Summercamp - Germany
Shihan Klaus Rex
Shihan Sergey Lukyanchikov
Shihan Joszef Borza
Shihan Gabriel Barluenga
Thursday, 31. July until Sunday, 03. August 2014
Location: Hostel Bad Hersfeld
Lutherstraße 2
36251 Bad Hersfeld
Accomodation in rooms with 4 to 6 beds.
Costs: Euro 200,-
Includes accomodation, full board (vegetarian on demand)
first meal on Thursday evening – last meal on Sunday morning
training, Sayonaraparty incl. drinks
More information and registration:
Please register soon!
For guest, who arrive via airplane in Frankfurt we
offer a Shuttletransfer on Thursday and Sunday.
For this a minimum number of 40 participants is
necessary. Otherwise the travel from Frankfurt to
Bad Hersfeld has to be organised privately. The
extra costs for the Shuttletransfer on Thursday
and Sunday belong 30€ per person.
Railconnection can be seen on:
Guests who already want to arrive on Wednesday have to order their rooms soon.
The extra costs belong
30€ per person (overnight stay with included breakfast). No Shuttletransfer.
The guests who want to stay another night in Bad Hersfeld have to order their rooms soon.
The extra
costs belong 30€ per person (overnight stay with included breakfast). No Shuttletransfer.
Guests who arrive via Shuttletransfer on Sunday have to organise the
overnight stay in Frankfurt by themselves.
Everybody, indepentent from age, sex an graduation, is able to participate
in the camp. Everybody will profit from the well arranged
Most of the trainingunits are planned to be outside. Therefore every
participant should bring appropriate clothing (also running shoes). Please
bring protection clothes as well.
With registration the participants agree with
the recording and publication of picture- and
Camp-Shirt: If you want to buy a camp T-Shirt
of the 6th European Kyokushinkai Karate
Summer Camp you can order it on eMail:
The price is 20 Euro - You may also buy the
shirt on the Camp as long as they are available.
Liability: Organiser, host and course management do not assume any liability for
damages of any kind. The participation takes place on own risk.
All participants under 18 years have to bring a written consent form as well as a
phone number in case of emergency.
8pm - 1.30pm: Arrival and accommodation in rooms
1.30pm: Info about Bad Hersfeld /Division into groups
2pm: Practice start
1.30pm: Closing ceremony and handout of certificates
14pm: Camp end
The exact shedule will be announced locally.
• All elements of Kyokushinkai Karates (Kihon, Kata, Fight)
• Self-defence
• Sayonaraparty on Saturday evening
• Examinations
• Existance of a fighting traininggroup
We wish a good arrival and a pleasant stay in Bad Hersfeld.
Geschäftsstelle: Blomkamp 49, 22549 Hamburg; Telefon: +49 (0) 40 800 31 31; Fax: +49 (0) 3212 570 23 62; E-Mail: marten@kkd-ev.de
Bankkonto: Hamburger Sparkasse – Kontonummer 1043 224 474 – Bankleitzahl 200 505 50