Borza József Borza József Borza József Borza József
Oyama Karate Kyokushin Hungary

2023.03.04 ˝18th Domenica Cup˝ (Horvátország)

2023-03-04 08:00:00

Kyokushin karate club ‘’Domenica’’ as organizer and member of Croatian Kyokushinkai Association invites you to the International Kyokushin Karate Kata and Kumite Tournament open to all organizations and all styles of martial arts  ‘’18th Domenica Cup’’

I.K.O. Matsushima Kyokushinkaikan Croatia
Kyokushin karate club ¨Domenica˝
as organizer and member of
Croatian Kyokushinkai Association

invites you to the International Kyokushin Karate Kata and Kumite Tournament
open to all organizations and all styles of martial arts
˝18th Domenica Cup˝

Time: Saturday, March 4, 2023
Place: School Sport Hall Vladimir Deščak, Školska 4, Novaki, Sveta Nedelja, Zagreb County



Frissítve: 2023.02.06
